Review – The Zombie Game (Kickstarter)

Review - The Zombie Game

Review – The Zombie Game (Kickstarter)

Writer – Dan Bridges

Artist – Pablo Ayala

Letterer – Lucas Gattoni

“A Group of College Students attend an end of year party, only to find themselves hunted by the rich in a live action, Zombie Apocalypse Video Game.”


As a lover of all things zombie related, and having become disillusioned with a certain TV show which has long since run its course, I was in need of some fresh material to sink my teeth into. (pun intended)

Enter The Zombie Game…

Launched in late March 2021 as a Kickstarter, I half expected this just to be another single issue zombie story with no substance but clocking in at over 126 pages, I was certainly intrigued. After the first readthrough, I found myself hurriedly re-reading it again and found it even better the second time round.

Review - The Zombie Game


As the title suggests, the story is likened to a video game. As a result the progression through it is like the advancement through levels. Certainly when it came to Level 3, I felt like I could have been playing Left For Dead, ready to take on the undead masses. The writing of Dan Bridges is enjoyable and he brings a dark sense of humour to his work. You get a certain Romero vibe from the story and it keeps you interested with action aplenty. The characters are relatable and whilst not dialogue heavy, there is enough back and forward between to make it all relevant. Special mention to ‘Leg’ the dog!


It would be remiss of me not to touch on the artwork of Pablo Ayala which is hauntingly dark. As a result, it matches the tone of Bridges’ writing well. Thankfully we have some bold captions to cut through the darkness and that is welcome relief. Ayala pairs up with Lucas Gattoni and we have the Argentinian letterer to thank for ease in which we move through the pages.


With a subtle nod to Robert Kirkman, this was a good addition to the Zombie franchise and a graphic novel that I could see myself re-visiting in the future. The content was refreshing and certainly there is a new twist to the Zombie mythos which I enjoyed. And at the end we are left asking ourselves, “Who are the real monsters?”.

If you enjoy our Review of The Zombie Game (Kickstarter) then leave a comment or rating.

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Andy MacGregor

Written by 

Born and raised in the Shire of Dumbarton, on the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. I discovered comics at a young age and then life became instantly better

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